sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2014

The plan

             The plan to kill Sollozo and McCluskey was made by Michael, who was worried about his father safety. The plan started at Louis Restaurant, where the meeting of Michael, Sollozo and McCluskey began. Michael went to the restaurant without any gun, to prove Sollozo´s trust that he was a honest guy about not doing any stupid attack. When they arrived al Louis Restaurant, Mike asked permission to go to the toilet, where was going to be a gun hiding by Clemenza. The youngest Corleone boy took the gun and walked to the table where was Sollozo and the police man. Then, Mike shooted them and run outside the restaurant quickly. All the plan succeed well, and Mike killed his enemies.

   As you can see, In this paragraph I started in present simple and finished in past simple. All I needed to do was to keep the present simple or the past sinple, no mixed all because the main idea of the paragraph is not clearly with two tenses.

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